Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Warm wishes

Sending you warm wishes for a very happy holiday. Be safe and stay warm. 
Hugs,,,,  Kelly

Friday, December 12, 2014

Vintage wedding topper

I found and fell in love with this vintage wedding topper still in its Drexel box.  It's in beautiful condition with the perfect amount of patina. I filled the bottom of this terrarium jar with the vintage cotton that lined the topper box. I love the way it yellowed in some areas and stayed crisp white in others. The jar is decorated with a sea horse charm because the bride and groom are getting married in Hawaii. I found the gorgeous cake plate at Home Goods.  I'm in love and hate the thought of parting with it.  

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Vintage holiday

I love Christmas and one of my favorite activities of the holiday is decorating. I like to decorate with vintage ornaments. Speaking of vintage I mailed out my package this weekend for the vintage secret Santa gift exchange. I participated in an exchange hosted by chronically vintage. 

Below is My tiny little vintage tree with old ornaments from my childhood scattered around the base.

This little guy is one of my favs and always takes center stage when decorating for Christmas.

I love my vintage pieces and prefer the old christmas bulbs and decorations over the new.  I have my favorites from Pinterest pinned to my Christmas Kitsch board.  Like this...

And this...

Here is my version of the snow globe....

I added lights later. 

Well I'm off to the studio to finish the puppet theater I'm making for a special little girl.
Be warm, be safe and enjoy the Holiday!

Hugs... Kelly

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The plan

The plan was perfect and well thought out or so I thought.  I was going to fill my shop with the most delicious treasures for holiday gift giving. Although I have a difficult time parting with my unique finds, I get so excited like a little girl on Christmas Day, when I share my salvaged treasures. My plan to fill the studio with as found and artfully altered items didn't turn out quite like I thought it would. The shelves of studio pink are far from full but I did find the most amazing antique mortar and pestle set. I loved it so much I decided to keep it until my hubby reminded me that I already had one and then he asked if I really needed another set. I hate it when he's right. :)
      It's simply amazing how fast time goes by and how little time is left for treasure hunting and carefully curated projects.  I have managed to get started on several Christmas gifts. They aren't completed but I have begun the process. That still counts, doesn't it? Although it gets a little crazy at times I do enjoy the holiday, decorating, shopping and spending time with family. 
   What is your secret for keeping it all together and getting everything completed in time? 
Do share!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Breath and just be...

It finally happened. A moment when I could take a deep breath and just be. As I gaze out the window my stress melts away with the morning frost.  Each and every worry is somehow like the tiny crystals intricately and beautifully packed into every flake. The morning sun glistens through every facet and highlights the uniqueness of each. Every flake mimics my thoughts, so complex and individualized. 

I need this time, this moment to melt down and slowly recompose. The rush of the holiday and the hurried ness of everyday life sometimes takes it's toll. I look forward to a little quiet solitude this morning. There is so much on my To Do list but I am taking this morning and this moment to concentrate on rest and contemplation. 

No worries, no stress, just time to savor a moment to breath in waves of calm and feelings of thankfulness for this day.
Wishing you a blissful day of calm and tranquility.
Just breath....

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Secret Santa gift exchange

I've been missing from the blog world while away tending to other business this week. I've been trying all week to find a few moments to share a quick tidbit with you. I am so excited and couldn't wait to tell you about an upcoming event. Jessica over at is having a Secret Santa Gift Exchange. If you've never been to her world you must pay a visit to her site. She always has something incredible interesting to share. I love secrets and can't wait to find the perfect little something to share. Let the hunt begin!  Thank you Jessica for allowing me to participate in the fun. I can't wait!
Be warm,

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Love potion

I have been busy cooking up some potions from my garden herbs. I like to garden. I grow flowers and herbs and the occasional tomato or pepper. My favorite part of gardening is collecting the fresh herbs and using them in salads and other dishes. I am a mediocre cook that gets bored with the same old thing and likes to get adventurous in the kitchen. My favorite things to cook up aren't edible at all. I love to make herbal salt scrubs and lip balms but my very favorite recipe is what I call my love potion. 
         It's really just rose water made from dried roses, distiller water and citrus vodka. It's so easy to make ( shhh, don't tell anyone its my secret and now yours) and smells heavenly. I use hand fulls of dried roses from the garden (the heavily scented kind) a jug of distiller water and a few swigs, I mean drops, of citrus orange vodka. I boil the water and pour them over the roses then steep them in a covered glass bowl for about 40 minutes. After the 40 minutes are up and the water is a beautiful rose tint  I strain the water and discard or compost the rose petals. I then add the vodka and pour the mixture in decorative jars or bottles with stoppers. I seal a few bottles that won't be used for a while with melted candle wax. No need to refrigerate because the vodka acts as a preservative. It smells wonderful and it's very soothing to dry skin. I keep a tiny jar of it in my home altar as well but more on that later. 
  If you don't grow roses in your garden you can buy discarded petals from a florist and dry them yourself. You can also use fresh petals but you want to be sure they haven't been laced with pesticides. I have never used fresh roses and the  recipe is a bit different from the one I use for dried petals. 
  So even though the weather is a bit frightful here in Michigan I can still enjoy my garden. We are expecting a few more inches of snow and high winds tonight. Brrrrrr!!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Deep thoughts on a frosty morning

I can't recall when it happened but there was a moment when the thought entered my mind and cemented itself deep within like a pillar of stone refusing to move. I tried to dismiss it, walk around it and even push it aside but there was no denying the obvious. I'm talking about the moment I knew that the level I had worked for and tried to attain for so many years just didn't fit. It wasn't me. It was difficult and even a little bit painful but I had to admit that I was not the super woman I pretended to be. 
       From a very young age we are told that we can do and have it all. We can balance everything in life, the family, the career, the good, the bad and even the ugly with ease. I told myself this and even pleaded with myself to stay a working woman who was finally making her way up the ladder. I was too embarrassed to admit that I didn't want to be making my way up the ladder. The truth was I didn't want to be on that ladder at all. It took some time but eventually I admitted to myself and then to others that I wanted to leave my job. I needed time to spend with my family and reconnect with myself. Admittance came first but the letting go was key. I had to let go of the notion that I had made it and let go of the money that came along with. 

That step is behind me now and I am looking forward to time with the people I love, time to create and time to just breath. As I look out across the frosty lawn in my toasty slippers and worn out sweatshirt not fit for the public eye I take a deep breath and head for the Keurig for another cuppa. There is something about the crisp air and magic of morning light dancing across the floor that puts me in a dreamy state and gives way to a moment of reflection. Ahhhh...... So glad to be here!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Horsing around

I decided to share a little fun on a cold grey day. It's already snowing here. I shouldn't be surprised. You know what they say about Michigan weather. We'll maybe you don't, it's unpredictable and if you don't like the weather blink your eyes and it will change. Ha ha.... So true!
The air is cool and crisp and the garden has been put to bed for the season. Every season has its perks but I love the warm sunny days of summer. Fall is beautiful and the spring is magical but I am a barefoot girl already longing for the long days of summer. Not everyone or everything feels the way I do. My minnie horses love the coolness of fall and the frosty winters. This pic was taken when we still had green grass and leaves on the trees but the air was beginning to cool which inspired a little ruff housing between the boys. I wish I shared their enthusiasm for cold weather.
Cheers to the weekend.... Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Altered junk with chalk paint DIY

I have become addicted to repurposing with chalk paint. I first started transforming out-dated pieces of furniture with name brand chalk paints, like Annie Sloan, only found in specialty stores or on the internet. They were great and came in several colors but very pricey about 40 dollars a quart.  I was limited by a small color palate and had to make a 35 mile trip to find it. I should probably clarify that chalk paint and chalk board paint are different. Chalk paint is used on furniture to leave an old world appearance similar to milk paint. It is quite often aged to give a beautifully worn patina. It's often used in shabby chic decor. Chalk board paint is used to make chalk boards.
Chalk paint allows me to take a piece that needs a little love or a major face lift and transform it into something fabulous. In the beginning I was spending a small fortune on paint and wax. Eventually I decided to take a leap of faith and start making my own paint. There are several recipes posted on- line. I have listed a couple inexpensive recipes to try. My go to mix is the plaster of Paris recipe below found on

It's easy and all you need to get stated is a little paint (color and brand of your choice) plaster of Paris and a soft wax like Johnson's or Minwax paste finishing wax. There are many techniques to try depending on the finish you want in the end. Pinterest is a great resource for ideas and wonderful pics of the end result. I usually go for the more distressed look with a little sand paper at varying grits. 
The best thing about chalk painting is that you can cover almost anything and you don't have to sand or strip the piece first. I love that!
The chest above was a sad piece buried under frames and chairs in the garage of an estate sale. It was dirty (including mouse droppings) and broken but I could see the potential. After a little wood glue was applied to the drawers and trim pieces and the broken door was removed, we ( my dad) cut a piece of wood for a new top. I loved the chippy paint and aged look of the chest already so I applied only a thin layer of oatmeal colored paint. I wanted to preserve the original patina as much as possible but you can create your own with a little aging wax that's readily available at your better paint or hardware store. After achieving the color I wanted I waxed and buffed to a satin finish. I painted inside the drawers and open shelf (created by removing the door) with a pop of sunny color. Then I stacked several colorful boxes in the open space. You could also use a cute little basket for storage or stack of old books. I love how this piece turned out it was a total transformation. I wish I would have taken before and after pics. I always forget to do that. It's because I get so excited and anxious to get started and just dive right in without capturing the original piece. 
The entire project cost me less than 50 dollars. That's right I got this sexy little chest for less than fifty bucks and a couple hours of DIY.  I would love to see some of your transformations with chalk paint, hint, hint! 

Photo a day challenge

Fat mum slim has a photo a day challenge going on. I was intrigued and decided to join in. I joined the face book group and have been sharing my photos there. It's so interesting to see the pics posted by people all across the world. I'm having g a great time.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

What I know

Some days I feel exposed as though I am inside out, raw and fragile to the touch. I don't feel like I'm measuring up or doing what is expected of a woman of my age, my upbringing or my potential. Many times I have trouble going the distance and stop a little shy of success. Just about the time I get close to the win, I back down, make an excuse and just bow out. Is it fear of failure or the uncertainty of knowing what I really want or really need that stops me in my tracks? I don't know.
Some days like today I get up charged and ready for anything, like a version of my younger self when I felt like nothing could stop me and I had plenty of time to get everything I wanted in the end. As I am now in the middle of my life and still not sure what that everything is or where I am suppose to be I feel a little uneasy about my life.  But then I think maybe this is where I am supposed to be and maybe I have everything I need. I know I am not supposed to be rich or famous or be solving the problems of the world. I am suppose to be here making a small but important impact on the people closest to me. This is what I know. Everything else is subject to change. 
I would really love to know If you have days of wavering faith in yourself and how do you  know if you're on the right path and where you need to be? 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Studio Pink fun and fabulous

I'm making myself crazy with ideas, too many ideas and not enough finished projects. It's birthday parties, holiday decorating, party planning, stocking the shop and the fact that I haven't even given Christmas shopping a single thought. Don't get me wrong I adore the holidays. The decorating the shopping all of it. I just wish I had the time and the focus to keep up with it all. 
 I think my biggest problem is that I lack the focus to follow through. I have so many ideas and several projects started but not much completed. Sure my studio is picked up and everything stowed away but nothing is completed. I promised myself this would be the week that I would buckle down and get serious, really serious. But then I remembered the big Mad Hatter Tea party I'm throwing in January and spent the day pinning  ideas on Pinterest. Ahh, Pinterest, love, love. We'll the girls and I did manage to cross one little project off the list. We colored several tiny bottle brush trees the most delicious shades of shabby chic. 

It was so easy. A little Martha Stewart paint and glitter did the trick. The girls had a great time painting and sprinkling glitter everywhere. I think clean up time took more time than it did to make the tiny trees fabulously shabby. Did I say there was glitter? My house may not be clean but it certainly sparkles!

We did manage to sit a spell and sip some tea while enjoying a brisk afternoon in the fall leaves. Did I say brisk? It was down right chilly. I think fall is almost spent. I'm definitely not ready for winter but then maybe it will motivate me to get things done and spend a little less time playing in the leaves. 
Maybe but not likely. 

Prayer bottle for the Alter

Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Chippy paint obsession

I fell in love with the shabby look of chipping paint way before it was cool. I loved the way the peeling colors exposed layers of the past and created a lovely patina. The shabby look of chippy paint creates a feeling of comfort for me. The pieces that used to be thrown in the woodpile or left by the curbside are now coveted by their owners or at the very least sold to friends with a passion for old. I used to wish that others felt passionate or understood how I felt about the shabby look of old furniture. I was so thrilled when friends began to get excited about my finds and ask me to find or refinish a piece for them.  We'll I think I've changed my mind because now that shabby is in and chippy paint is all the rage it has become difficult and very expensive to find a really cool piece. I thought I wanted others to share my passion for character and see the beauty of dingy corners and peeling paint but now Im not up for the high prices and the availability of chalk paint has made everyone a DIYer.  If I ever fall in love with an ugly duckling or unpopular trend again I'll be sure to appreciate "one mans trash is another mans treasure."
Do you have any outdated or unpopular passions?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Velvet crush

There is nothing like vintage velvet. The lush softness and  the yummy patina make me crazy. I fell in love with this vintage sofa from the moment I walked inside the door of a local estate sale. I pushed my way thru the door and flung my body over it. I was prepared to fight for this piece. Well it never came to this, as it turned out everyone else was more concerned with the Hummel collection and could have cared less about my beautiful sofa. Yes you heard my sofa's all mine!
My love for velvet has inspired me to start a velvet crush board on pinterest.  I have decided to open this board up to friends, acquaintances or just about  anyone else who loves velvet as much as I do. Follow me on pinterest and I'll add you as a pinner. You can find me on pinterest as kelly Ruehle.

I can't wait to see all your beautiful pins and share my love of velvet with you. See you on Pinterest!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Vintage travel

Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at

Monday, October 27, 2014

Bohemian tea party

Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at
Join the tea party at

Helen says goodbye to her old friend Phoebe

Hey, I found this really awesome Etsy listing at
you can find this madonna and many other interesting items at

Monday, September 22, 2014

Through the looking glass

Sometimes it's not so much the collection that inspires. More times than not I am more inspired by the way the collection is displayed. I used this display at my latest dinner party. It was a big hit!

Shambala cottage makeover

The Shambala project is coming along. It has come a long way but still has miles to go before it's completion. The ceilings were covered in plywood. I feel like Nicole Curtis when I shout "why would anyone cover that up?"  The beautiful wood has been revealed after countless hours of pulling nails and removing insulation.

    The vintage chandelier found on Craigslist looks perfect in this space. Yep you heard it I shop on Craigslist.  It's amazing what you can find to fit a tight budget if you know where to look. I love antique stores and tag sales but some items are hard to find and antique stores can interfere with a tight budget.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Timely collection

Where has the summer gone? School is in and hints of fall color are everywhere.  When the season's change I get the itch to redecorate. It's easy to change the look of a room with a collection of like things. I love, love these little vintage alarm clocks.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Shabby chic makeover

How many of you have a tired old jewelry box from the 80 ' s shoved away in your closet? While wandering the many sales along the 127yardsale I came across a lovely large jewelry box or miniature armoire that looked tired and dated.
   After a few coats of homemade chalk paint in the perfect shade of green-turquoise this vintage chest was better than new. I distressed it sightly with aging wax and sand paper. The interior mirror is covered with complimenting wallpaper. I love how it turned out.

The true north project

I walked through a narrow pathway of nic nacs and boxes of items never used. I was part of a few hundred people who showed up for a tag sale. The house was packed to the ceiling in merchandise with price tags and still in their original boxes. The house was part of a hoarder's Estate. This woman's life was consumed with shoppping.
      I felt sad as I fought my way thru fellow  junkers looking for a good deal. Nothing in this house had a soul or a story. The place felt abandoned and cold.
Just as I was convinced that I would find nothing that spoke to me I saw a little compass. It was nothing special but somehow I needed to take it with me. I felt compelled to make it come to life with purpose. 
    This little compass has become part of my true north project. This project is about finding passionate living and leaving your mark or legacy. More on that later.  I encrusted the compass with old chippy paint, birch bark and the words true north. There is a map inside and secret message. This compass joins my antique urn that holds special thoughts and wishes.  A jar of good spells just waiting to become reality.

 What does true north mean to you?

Monday, August 18, 2014

The thrill of the hunt for vintage treasure

I find the perfect shoes, a comfy pair of jeans and a bitching bag. It's time to focus on my list of must haves. I'm so easily distracted with the the Shiney babble in the corner or that table with the perfect patina. A sucussful hunt is an art.
        My last junking trip across three states was a success because I finally found my mermaid. I've searched for Mercy for years. I had the perfect name just waiting for the perfect find.  Although I swooped in and grabbed her before she became somebody else's score, I managed to play it cool with the vendor and haggled the price down $50.
Tomorrow's adventure is a little shorter commute to an estate sale 140 miles away. Roadtrip!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The circus came to town

This dreamy view makes me want to run away with the circus , not because I'm running from anything just because travel is nectar for my soul.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The art of getting lost

I remember as a kid  my parents packing up the station wagon for a roadtrip. The list went something like this;
Ahh yes, the most important element,  the map. No map, no roadtrip. Not to mention the compass firmly attached to the dashboard.  A sense of direction and the ability to read a map was a necessary skill in those days.
Today all that is necessary for a good road trip is a full tank and a smart phone. The skill of navigating has been replaceded by technology and a voice named Siri.
My mom and I recently embarked on a journey across four states to conquer the the art of thirty shopping the World's longest garage sale. About two states in we began to have a little trouble, more like disagreement with our tech savvy friend and we realized that we had neglected to pack a map.
After a few moments of frustration I noticed the beautiful country side. The skies were heavy with a smokey mist falling down the Tennesee mountains and the tiny cabins were hidden with only the front porch visible through the dense Kusum vines. One such cabin looked over a yard full of tiny teepees with colorful roosters tethered alongside.  I later found out this was a farm that raised chickens for cock-fighting. Ugh!

 This detour made me realize that technology had taken away my serendipity and discovery. If Siri was so efficient at navigation why did she lead us down this back road to a two-track lane soon  becoming a private drive?

  I'd like to think she was showing us the beautiful landscape that had been lost while traveling the main road with my eyes fixed on a little blue dot moving along a generic black line. Every map in every state and every country looks the same on this gadget.
I love the art of old maps and the stories they tell.  That is why my  plans for a future road trip will be without technology. This trip will be closer to the trips of my childhood.  No station wagon or dashboard compass but you can bet I'll pack a reliable map and surround myself with good company. Mom are you ready? The rest will be left to navigational skill, a little luck and an open mind. I will embrace whatever the open road may bring and enjoy the art of getting lost .   Roadtrip! 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Urban chic makeover

I allowed myself to be more adventurous maybe even a little bit reckless in my outdoor room design.  I didn't need to follow the rules no specific design style necessary. All that was required was a place to sit for a cup of morning coffee or evening glass of wine. No need for function or long term comfort just fleeting moments of pondering.
      The space didn't turn out as shabby chic as I had intended. It's more urban country than shabby chic. I love the way the chair turned out. It went from hideous 80 ' s to very chic and stylish. I'll admit it took way more paint than I anticipated but after 30 dollars and hours of watching paint dry it was perfect. 

          The pink and yellow rug is so playful with turquoise furniture.  It really brings the space to life. I think my favorite part of the whole makeover is the milking room door adorned with Charlie ' s skull. It's perfect for an outdoor room. I love the unexpected.

Friday, May 23, 2014


My toe slowly peeks it's way out of the softness of my toasty bed. The floor boards are cool to the touch. This crisp awakening guickly shapes my ward robe for a chaotic day of picking.
      The barn is simple and neatly packed.  The man who proudly claims it's eclectic contents is fair  and anxious to strike a bargain.
     My pick is swift. I know within seconds what I can't bare to leave behind. My heart beats faster,  images of a past life race by.  The moments are fleeting as the voice of possibilities speaks to me. This old door that once graced the milking room of a pristine dairy farm will marry well with the weathered skull of a proud steer that long ago freely grazed the ground beneath my feet.
       I am drawn to the the history and stories of my salvaged finds. The organic simplicity of the pair is perfect for my vision of a shabby chic porch. Layer upon layer of earthy patina with just the right pop of color will transform an urban deck into an eclectic oasis.
   I have several days of work to come before this perfect transformation is reality.
   Stay tuned...

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lost and found

The yard is damp and  the air feels crisp and cool against my bare legs. My heart beats heavy in my chest as I stroll passed piles of a life unfinished and a past untold. My mind is full and my hands twitch as I ask myself; where did the journey begin for these discarded items. Who would dare part with such intriguing relics? Surely this stretch of patchy grass is not the final chapter.
        Each and every shade of patina holds  a secret and hints of a life unimaginable to me. It's hard to contain my excitement at the thought of re homing and the idea of writing a new chapter for the discarded treasures in the sunset junkyard.