Sunday, November 9, 2014

What I know

Some days I feel exposed as though I am inside out, raw and fragile to the touch. I don't feel like I'm measuring up or doing what is expected of a woman of my age, my upbringing or my potential. Many times I have trouble going the distance and stop a little shy of success. Just about the time I get close to the win, I back down, make an excuse and just bow out. Is it fear of failure or the uncertainty of knowing what I really want or really need that stops me in my tracks? I don't know.
Some days like today I get up charged and ready for anything, like a version of my younger self when I felt like nothing could stop me and I had plenty of time to get everything I wanted in the end. As I am now in the middle of my life and still not sure what that everything is or where I am suppose to be I feel a little uneasy about my life.  But then I think maybe this is where I am supposed to be and maybe I have everything I need. I know I am not supposed to be rich or famous or be solving the problems of the world. I am suppose to be here making a small but important impact on the people closest to me. This is what I know. Everything else is subject to change. 
I would really love to know If you have days of wavering faith in yourself and how do you  know if you're on the right path and where you need to be? 


  1. Thank you for finding my blog and leaving me a comment today. You are a No Reply blogger when you leave a comment so I am responding here. The post you did here is so true of so many of us. I do think it is fear of crossing that final barrier to success that stops some of us. We will back away rather than take another step and maybe fail. I have done that so many times in life myself.

    Have a great day. I hope you write more. xo Diana

  2. ps. Did you know there is no way to sign up to follow you?

  3. Non I didn't
    I'll have to check that out
    Thank you Diana

  4. Hi! Thank you for commenting on my blog! I hope you will visit again! I am originally from Michigan too. I grew up on a farm near AuGres and then moved to Pt. Huron, MI before living here in IN. Love Michigan. I think I am considered past the middle of my life but still feel like your post! I tell myself I am fearfully and wonderfully made as the Bible says to boost my confidence! Enjoy the rest of your week! Nancy

  5. I don't know if you can ever be totally sure if you are where you are supposed to be. You have to do the best you can and put your faith and trust in God. Life has so many twists and turns but that can also be exciting too because we never know what might be around the corner. It could be something wonderful and rewarding.
    xo Danielle
