Friday, November 14, 2014

Horsing around

I decided to share a little fun on a cold grey day. It's already snowing here. I shouldn't be surprised. You know what they say about Michigan weather. We'll maybe you don't, it's unpredictable and if you don't like the weather blink your eyes and it will change. Ha ha.... So true!
The air is cool and crisp and the garden has been put to bed for the season. Every season has its perks but I love the warm sunny days of summer. Fall is beautiful and the spring is magical but I am a barefoot girl already longing for the long days of summer. Not everyone or everything feels the way I do. My minnie horses love the coolness of fall and the frosty winters. This pic was taken when we still had green grass and leaves on the trees but the air was beginning to cool which inspired a little ruff housing between the boys. I wish I shared their enthusiasm for cold weather.
Cheers to the weekend.... Enjoy!


  1. What a cute really captured the essence of that moment. I am like you- living in WI winters just about does me in. I am a summer/Fall girl through and through. Our weather is a lot like yours! Lucky us! ha! xo Diana

  2. As fall lasts for about as long as it takes one leaf to tumble off of a maple here in Canada, I too am already longing for summer's warm, wonderful embrace. It will be a lonnnngggg time in coming though. Thankfully there's the perks of winter (Christmas! Cocoa! Cozy knits!) to help make the next few months more bearable.

    Big hugs & many thanks for taking part in CV's Vintage Secret Santa gift exchange, dear lady. I'm thrilled that you're a part of it!

    ♥ Jessica

  3. Hello Kelly... third try at leaving a comment, hope this one works!... thank you so much for your visit and comment... like you, I am a warm weather lady... our winters here in Utah are bitter cold and tons of snow... but it is home... always has been, always will be... love your beautiful horses!... and also that you are a Nature lover like me... will visit you on Pinterest too... xoxo... Julie Marie
