Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The plan

The plan was perfect and well thought out or so I thought.  I was going to fill my shop with the most delicious treasures for holiday gift giving. Although I have a difficult time parting with my unique finds, I get so excited like a little girl on Christmas Day, when I share my salvaged treasures. My plan to fill the studio with as found and artfully altered items didn't turn out quite like I thought it would. The shelves of studio pink are far from full but I did find the most amazing antique mortar and pestle set. I loved it so much I decided to keep it until my hubby reminded me that I already had one and then he asked if I really needed another set. I hate it when he's right. :)
      It's simply amazing how fast time goes by and how little time is left for treasure hunting and carefully curated projects.  I have managed to get started on several Christmas gifts. They aren't completed but I have begun the process. That still counts, doesn't it? Although it gets a little crazy at times I do enjoy the holiday, decorating, shopping and spending time with family. 
   What is your secret for keeping it all together and getting everything completed in time? 
Do share!


  1. i have to start october! haha:) if i don't, something doesn't get done. wishing you a fabulous fun holiday!

  2. Starting early, checklists, delegation, multi-tasking, prioritizing, and cutting yourself some slack. Ultimately, one doesn't need to be Superman or Wonder Wonder in order to create an immensely happy holiday season for themselves and their loved ones. It's better to forgo something than to be worn to the bone and too tired to spend time actually celebrating, instead of just decorating, shopping or cooking, for Christmas.

    ♥ Jessica
