This year I made a promise to myself. No more thoughtless gifts. This year everything I gifted would be carefully planned and creatively put together with a little piece of my soul. I'm happy to say that I was pretty successful at keeping that promise. The homemade puppet theater was creative with salvaged and newly bought materials. It came together beautifully. A star was born on Christmas Day. Princess Fairah and her friends have since debuted in many crafty productions. It was as much fun making this project as it has been watching the show. It's nice when an idea comes together and actually meets my expectations.
So now that 2014 is behind us and we are standing on the doorstep of a new year, new hopes, new goals, I ask myself, "what do you want to accomplish in 2015?" I don't do resolutions because I feel like that only sets me up for failure. I use the concept of goals, dreams and focus, somehow these terms seem real and more attainable to me. Hmmm, I got nothing! I guess I'm not quite ready to make a declaration for the new year.
Here's a fun little piece of trivia... 2015 was the year Marty Mcfly traveled to in Back to the future, I guess I will have to revisit this movie to know how much they got right about the year 2015.
Hello Mcfly I don't see kids riding around town on a hover board, " what's up with that?"
Happy New Year to all